Thursday, June 27, 2024






(Perennia’s Wild Blueberry Production Newsletter)


(Photo credit: Sarah Schaefer, June 27, 2024)


Dear Growers,

We have been blessed with great production conditions this year. On average, fruit sets are looking good and the yield looks promising. Things are moving fast this year, so don’t be surprised if you already see ripening berries in fields before Canada Day weekend. It won’t be too long to see harvesting begin.


Happy Long Weekend!

Hugh Lyu

Wild Blueberry Specialist, Perennia; 902-890-0472

June 27, 2024


Table of Contents:


Nova Scotia Weather Update

Nova Scotia Wild Blueberry Crop Development Update and Management Recommendations

Upcoming Events



Nova Scotia Weather Update


2024 Degree Day Accumulations- Kentville, NS

The degree day accumulations are based on the weather data from Kentville weather station, giving us an overall idea of this production season’s temperature trend in Nova Scotia.


Figure 1: Heating degree day accumulations for plant (above 5°C) and insect (above 10°C) development from March 1 to June 24 for the past 17 seasons. Provided by Jeff Franklin (AAFC).

-          The degree day accumulations for base 5°C plant development and base 10°C insect development are ahead of the 5- and 10-year averages (Figure 1).

-          This season’s degree days accumulation is similar to 2021.


2024 Spring Precipitation

From April to June, the total rainfall accumulation in the Annapolis Valley area was 125 mm, below the 25-year average precipitation of 255 mm. In other words, it was a dry season with above-average temperatures for 2024.


Nova Scotia Wild Blueberry Crop Development Update and Management Recommendations


Wild Blueberry Weather Station GDD Summary_ April 1- June 27

Figure 1. GDD Summary from April 1- June 27


Crop fields’ wild blueberry stages and management activities to consider:

All crop fields in the province are going through the fruit development period. The majority of fields are in the early green fruit and late green fruit stages (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Wild Blueberry Fruit Stages (UMaine)

At this stage, some activities to consider for your crop fields pre-harvest:

1.     Late fungicide application for leaf disease control and berry quality improvement.

2.     Set up insect (SWD and Blueberry Maggot) traps and monitor for local pest levels.

3.     Applying insecticides as needed and recommended by processors.

4.     Weed management: spot treatment of weeds in crop fields, including spot spraying chemicals and repeated cuttings.

5.     Weed identification and documentation: July is a great time to ID weeds in wild blueberry fields as most of them are in bloom.


Sprout fields’ wild blueberry stages and management activities to consider:

All sprout fields are over 90% plant emergence.

At this stage, some activities to consider for your sprout fields before harvesting:

1.     Fertilizer application

2.     Fungicide applications for leaf disease control

3.     Post-emergence herbicide applications, such as Callisto and Venture L

4.     Spot spraying for weed control, including Spreading Dogbane, Purple Vetch, Goldenrods etc.


Upcoming Events


Perennia Events:

1.     Weather Station Maintenance Workshop, July 4, Kentville:

2.     Understanding Alternative Nutrient Amendments- Virtual Series:

3.     Pasture Walk Series:

4. July 10, Wild Blueberry Growers’ Meeting:


WBPANS Events:

1.     2024 Wild Blueberry Field Day, Registration by July 5:



PEI Wild Blueberry Field Day: July 19, 10:30 AM- 2: 00 PM: