2024 Production Updates and Seasonal Outlook for NS_ 10th Blight Line Post_ June 5

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hi, everyone. As we get closer to the mid-late bloom, we are no longer under the Monilinia Blight infection window, but there are still infection risks from Botrytis blossom blight. We can see infection symptoms caused by Monilinia Blight in crop fields now, as well as some early blooming clones with Botrytis Blight infection. In today’s post, we will talk about infection symptoms from Monilinia Blight. Also, how the season’s weather is influencing this production year’s disease infections.

This will be our last blight line post for the year! Please continue to follow the blog. More updates to come!  


GDD Updates_ April 1- June 4

Figure 1. GDD Summary, April 1- June 4

·       Crop field wild blueberry stages: mid to late bloom across the province. Central and Mainland fields are at the late bloom stage. Higher ground and fields in Antigonish and Cape Breton are around mid-bloom stages.

·       Sprout field plant emergence status: more than 50-60% plant emergence.


Monilinia Blight Infection Report for the 2024 Season (updated)


Initial report (May 29): May is a traditional month with a high risk of Monilinia blight infection in wild blueberry crop fields because of the right crop stage and the Maritime spring weather pattern. As most of you are aware, May was pretty dry. The Kentville weather station recorded 25 mm of rain in May and that’s below the 75 mm 10-year average in the area. Although we received some rain in the last two days, May was very likely running into a precipitation deficit in the province.

The good news is that the Monilinia blight infection risk is low. We had two provincial-wide wet periods (May 8-9 and May 16-17) according to the weather station data, but it was short and mild. Most growers apply at least 1 Monilinia blight fungicide which was very helpful.


Updated report (June 4): after the last few days’ field scouting and growers’ reports, the Monilinia Blight infection was low to none if fungicide applications were conducted on time.

I still noticed high levels of the disease infection in unmanaged fields (no fungicide inputs for this season or fields had low to no inputs in the past). The blowing photos were taken from a crop field on May 31. I circled Monilinia Blight infection symptoms on leaves and flowers. If you are walking around crop fields, you can try to ID them.


Events and Webinars

A free webinar on Pesticide Drone Application:

-       This is a free webinar to talk about pesticide drone application. Time: June 19, 1 PM Halifax time. Zoom. To register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdu6hqjksGdES3pLq80Y8qvsuWtKge2fU#/registration


Perennia Events:

-       In-person: Davis Vantage Pro 2 Weather Station Maintenance Workshop – Murray Siding: June 7, 2024. 1-4 PM. Information and registration: https://www.perennia.ca/eventer/davis-vantage-pro-2-weather-station-maintenance-workshop-murray-siding/edate/2024-06-07/.

-       Understanding Alternative Nutrient Amendments – Virtual Series. June 25 to July 30 2024. Information and registration: https://www.perennia.ca/eventer/understanding-alternative-nutrient-amendments-virtual-series/edate/2024-06-25/.


WBPANS Wild Blueberry Field Day: July 17, 2024, in Debert, NS. To register: https://nswildblueberries.com/field-day/.



Have a great week!
