Pesticide Shortage Updates

Friday, October 14, 2022

 Pesticide Shortage Updates


Hi everyone,

I want to provide a quick update about the pesticide shortage issue, especially for herbicides as the industry is in a critical time for fall weed management.  I am sure most of you realize the issue of the shortage of some key herbicides in the market right now, which can be stressful and are likely to distract your regular weed management program and other farming activities.

I am sure the questions you will ask are: “why don’t they have those products? Why can’t they make more right away?”. Simply because the company doesn’t have sufficient raw materials to make those products! A lot of raw materials are produced outside of Canada and there are many reasons why those raw materials can not be produced and shipped to manufacturers on time to meet the demand (you all know the reasons why, and this is not the discussion point for today).

The purpose of this post is to provide some updates on some key products we use in wild blueberries and some tips to help address this issue.


Updates on Products

*Things can change quickly so please still check with your retailer to know the most up-to-date information about the products you need!



·       Ignite, Chateau, Kerb and Venture are four products which are completely out this fall. There are chances they will be back next spring, but we don’t know that for sure! Please contact your retailer and make your orders as needed!

·       Sinbar is out

·       Chikara is in good supply

·       Callisto is available

·       Poast Ultra is available (an alternative product of Venture)

·       Option is available



The industry doesn’t need fungicides until next spring and fungicides are in a better situation than herbicides. A simple reason for that is that herbicides require more different kinds of raw materials to formulate the final products. However, we still encourage you to plan and make orders with your retailer as needed.

Quick tips

Here are a couple of quick tips to help growers. Those tips are not going to be as effective as chemicals, but sometimes, they might and could save you some money!

·       Scouting your fields and understanding your weed composition. This information will help you to make a better weed management program. You have your regular spraying program each time, but the lack of some regular products you used in the past could cause panic. We don’t want you to feel you absolutely need a product just because you use it before! A good example is Kerb. Do you really need it? Can you use other alternative products?


·       I also encourage you to read Perennia’s Pest Management Guide where we list all available pesticides for the wild blueberry industry. The list can give you some alternative products to use:


·       Proactive planning and frequent communication with ag retail sales staff will be critical. Call your retailer to get updates on the products you need! They are the best person to contact and growers working closely with their ag retailer continue to be the way that the available supply can be where it needs to be when it needs to be there! If you are being as precise on quantities as you can be, then this is important so the product can be allocated and supplied appropriately! Sometimes you might be lucky as someone might return a couple of jars to the store but that’s not always the case! Especially for spring management (diseases and weeds), we are also going fight with unknown spring weather and disease pressure. So please plan, know what you need and contact your retailer and let them know how many you need!


·       Lastly, we are here to help you! If you need me to go to your fields and help you identify the pest issues so you know better what to order, I am happy to do so. Contact me if you need it before it is too late! Hugh Lyu, Wild Blueberry Specialist,; 902-890-0472.


Have a great weekend!
