Updated Pest Management Guide for 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Wild Blueberry Pest Guide for 2020 has been update on our website.  Click the link below to take a peek.  As a reminder, this guide lists products registered for use in Canada, Always check with your buyer to see which products are allowable for their markets!!


The wild blueberry industry has a wide selection of pest control products.  But most farms only use of small fraction of the products that are registered.  Now is a good time to read up and get to know the products you plan on using.

You can get more detailed information by looking at the product label. Go hear to read the individual labels. PMRA product label search https://pr-rp.hc-sc.gc.ca/ls-re/index-eng.php

1) Look at the application rates and specific timings required
2) Look at application instructions for each product (spray volumes, buffer zones, mixing instructions etc.)
3) Look for safety instructions (REIs, Personal Protective Equipment required)