We are seeing variable fruit bud development across the region. It is important that growers check their own fields soon to determine the stage of their crop fields.
When looking at fruit buds do not count obviously dead fruit buds. The picture below shows a stem with 5 fruit buds, but the top three are not viable. Only count the viable buds to determine what percentage is at the F2 stage.
Below is a report of fields and areas reporting fruit bud development
Lower Musquodoboit valley - 2-18% F2
Springhill - 2.5% F2
South Hampton - 4.8 - 8.5% F2
Amherst - 8.5 - 17% F2
Oxford - 10-18% F2
Rodney - 2% F2
Mt. Thom - 8% F2
The forecast for the next few days is sunny but cool, with a chance of showers on Saturday. After that temperatures look to rise and development should move rapidly.
Risk of infection is still low as of today in most regions.
The next update will be late in the afternoon on Friday May 5th.