Two new discussion documents

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

We've added two new factsheet/discussion documents on how growers might manage their production when field prices are low.  These two documents are certainly not going to solve everyone's problems but I'm hoping they might help growers form a management plan that works for them.

The first one is a way to approach resting fields that have been under performing and won't be profitable when the price is low.

Resting Wild Blueberry Fields

The second one talks about the basics, from my perspective, on how to optimize yield on your very good fields.

Managing Good Fields

I've outlined several concepts in both documents and not all of them will work on every farm, but I think many of them are worth consideration.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to talk through some ideas.

Also take a look at our wild blueberry resource page on the Perennia Website: