There are field sites in three south western counties that are showing fruit bud development
Annapolis county is at 1% F2
Digby County is at 11% F2
Queens County is at 14% F2
South West Nova is typically a week or two ahead of early areas in central NS, but it wouldn't hurt for growers with typically early fields to check and see fruit bud development early next week.
I will begin making regular blightline (phone and Blog next Tuesday)
Also... we have made several updates to our production guides
Our Fungicide, Herbicide and Insecticide charts have been updated. (Remember to always check with your buyer or processor to see what is allowable for their markets)
Fungicide Chart
Herbicide Chart
Insecticide Chart
I've also updated the BMP web Directory with new links
Wild Blueberry BMP Web Directory
Finally, our full pest guide has been updated. You can find it at the bottom of the wild blueberry section on our website.
Wild Blueberry